Is Linux Secure for Apps?

There is a growing demand for application security tools, and when you factor in the increasing number of threats new apps are experiencing every day, it comes as no surprise that this is the case. People are always on the lookout to find new ways to protect themselves against any potential threats, and recently, Linux has been in the limelight for its increased security over many of its contemporaries.

People from all over the world are now beginning to switch to Linux in the hopes of giving their apps that little extra bit of protection; but how secure is Linux really? Well, this is precisely what we are going to be talking about in this article. Let’s jump straight into it and take a look at whether or not the Linux operating system provides good protection for apps.

is linux secure for apps

Provides More Security Than Most Right Out Of The Box

There are a ton of things to know about Linux security if you are considering using it as your main operating system, but the main thing that you need to know is that it is able to provide better security than most other operating systems right out of the box.

That’s right; compared to the vast majority of other popular operating systems, Linux’s security is far superior in almost all regards, and you would be much better off using Linux if security is your only concern. Linux’s security can be further improved by other security systems that can run in unison with Linux’s own safety protocols, and delving into this topic further is recommended if you want to get maximal protection.

However, when it comes down just to the operating system you choose to use, Linux is definitely going to be one of the better options out there, and the protection it will provide for your apps will go unmatched by most.

There Are Superior Options Out There

Whilst Linux is certainly more secure than most other popular operating systems out there, that’s not to say that it is the best on the market. There are other, more niche-use operating systems that provide far better security than the likes of Linux, and opting to go for these options is going to be well in your interests if security is your primary focus.

To give you just a few examples of these there are the Qubes operating system, TAILS OS, OpenBSD OS, and Whonix OS. These are but a few of the many operating systems out there that put security as a focal point, and opting to go with one of these specialist options could provide you with much better security than the likes of a generalist OS akin to Linux.

That’s not to say that operating systems like Linux or Windows are bad by any means, and as we are going to talk about in the next section of this article, the most popular operating systems will give you adequate protection in most cases.

Although, if you are someone who wants to absolutely guarantee that no pesky hackers will be able to get ahold of your information, then going with one of these alternative operating systems may just be your best bet, and you will be almost impervious to any potential threats if you choose to do so.

Linux Is Going To Be More Than Enough To Keep Your Apps Safe

In the overwhelming majority of cases, Linux is going to be more than enough to keep your apps protected. Sure, there are definitely better options out there. However, one could argue that choosing to go for any of the more security-focused operating systems over their more traditional counterparts is a little overkill if you do not have a specific need for such software.

The chances of someone being able to comprise your apps if you are using the Linux operating system are going to be slim to none as long as you do not download any malicious software internally, and this topic is generally not something that you are going to worry all too much about.

This is also true for other operating systems like Windows and Android but to a much lesser extent – you are likely going to be just fine by using these systems, and unless you happen to download some malware accidentally, then you should be just fine. Linux is going to provide your apps with more than enough security, and if you are thinking about using it, you would be making an excellent decision.

All-in-all, Linux is definitely one of the better operating systems out there when it comes to keeping your apps secure, and if you choose to pair it with other security measures, the chances of someone being able to compromise your apps are going to be slim to none.

Using Linux on its own is still going to provide more protection than most other options out there – but if you are looking for maximal protection, utilising Linux on its own is just not going to suffice, and you would be much better off looking at some other methods to complement Linux’s protection. Stay safe.

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