Install Nextcloud on Arch Linux with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7 in 2019

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up your own Nextcloud server on Arch Linux with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7. Nextcloud is an open-source self-hosted alternative to Dropbox. With Nextcloud, you can sync files between your computer, tablet and smartphone.


This tutorial assumes that you have already installed a LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP) on Arch Linux. If you haven’t already done so, please check out the below easy-to-follow guide.

After you install LEMP stack, come back here and follow the instructions below. If you have an Arch Linux server, then ssh into it. You can also use your local Arch Linux computer.

Step 1: Install Nextcloud Server on Arch Linux

Download the NextCloud zip archive onto your server. The latest version is NextCloud 16.0.1. You may need to change the version number. Go to and click the download button to check out the latest version. You can download the zip archive with wget in the terminal.

sudo pacman -S wget


Install unzip and extract it to the document root of Nginx web server. (/usr/share/nginx/).

sudo pacman -S unzip

sudo unzip -d /usr/share/nginx/

Then let Nginx user (http) be the owner of the nextcloud directory.

sudo chown http:http /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/ -R

Step 2: Create a Database and User in MariaDB

Log into MariaDB database server with the following command:

sudo mysql -u root

Then create a database for Nextcloud. This tutorial name the database nextcloud. You can use whatever name you like.

create database nextcloud;

Create the database user. Again, you can use your preferred name for this user. Replace your-password with your preferred password.

create user nextclouduser@localhost identified by 'your-password';

Grant this user all privileges on the nextcloud database.

grant all privileges on nextcloud.* to nextclouduser@localhost identified by 'your-password';

Flush the privileges table and exit.

flush privileges;


Step 3: Enable Binary Logging in MariaDB

Edit the main MariaDB server configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf

Add the following two lines below the [mysqld] line.

log-bin        = mysql-bin
binlog_format  = mixed

The format of binary log must be set to mixed. Save and close the file. Then restart MariaDB service.

sudo systemctl restart mariadb

Step 4: Create an Nginx Config File for Nextcloud

First, create a conf.d directory for individual Nginx config files.

sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d

Then create a config file for Nextcloud.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/nextcloud.conf

Put the following text into the file.

server {
    listen 80;

    # Add headers to serve security related headers
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
    add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
    add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
    add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;

    # Path to the root of your installation
    root /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/;

    location = /robots.txt {
        allow all;
        log_not_found off;
        access_log off;

    # The following 2 rules are only needed for the user_webfinger app.
    # Uncomment it if you're planning to use this app.
    #rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta last;
    #rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json
    # last;

    location = /.well-known/carddav {
        return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav;
    location = /.well-known/caldav {
       return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav;

    location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge {
      allow all;

    # set max upload size
    client_max_body_size 512M;
    fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;

    # Disable gzip to avoid the removal of the ETag header
    gzip off;

    # Uncomment if your server is build with the ngx_pagespeed module
    # This module is currently not supported.
    #pagespeed off;

    error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;
    error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;

    location / {
       rewrite ^ /index.php$uri;

    location ~ ^/(?:build|tests|config|lib|3rdparty|templates|data)/ {
       deny all;
    location ~ ^/(?:\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console) {
       deny all;

    location ~ ^/(?:index|remote|public|cron|core/ajax/update|status|ocs/v[12]|updater/.+|ocs-provider/.+|core/templates/40[34])\.php(?:$|/) {
       include fastcgi_params;
       fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$;
       fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
       fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
       #Avoid sending the security headers twice
       fastcgi_param modHeadersAvailable true;
       fastcgi_param front_controller_active true;
       fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
       fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
       fastcgi_request_buffering off;

    location ~ ^/(?:updater|ocs-provider)(?:$|/) {
       try_files $uri/ =404;
       index index.php;

    # Adding the cache control header for js and css files
    # Make sure it is BELOW the PHP block
    location ~* \.(?:css|js)$ {
        try_files $uri /index.php$uri$is_args$args;
        add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=7200";
        # Add headers to serve security related headers (It is intended to
        # have those duplicated to the ones above)        
        add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
        add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
        add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
        add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
        add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;
        # Optional: Don't log access to assets
        access_log off;

   location ~* \.(?:svg|gif|png|html|ttf|woff|ico|jpg|jpeg)$ {
        try_files $uri /index.php$uri$is_args$args;
        # Optional: Don't log access to other assets
        access_log off;

Replace the red-colored text with your actual data. If you are setting up Nextcloud on your home computer, then enter your private IP address for the server name, like:


Next, edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Add the following line in the http section so that individual Nginx config files will be loaded.

include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

Like this:

http {
   include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

   include mime.types;
   default_type application/octet-stream;


Save and close the file. Then test Nginx configurations.

sudo nginx -t

If the test is successful, reload Nginx for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl reload nginx

Step 5: Install and Enable PHP Modules

Nextcloud requires mysql, gd, zip , intl and curl modules to be enabled in order to work properly. mysql module is already installed in the previous LEMP tutorial. Now install gd and intl module with the following command:

sudo pacman -S php-gd php-intl

Then edit php.ini file.

sudo nano /etc/php/php.ini

Find the following 6 lines (There are on about line 900). Remove the semicolons to enable these 6 modules.


You can also run the following 6 commands to enable these extensions on Arch Linux, so you don’t have to open the file and find the 6 lines. The sed text editor will search and replace text without opening the file.

sudo sed -i 's/;extension=mysqli/extension=mysqli/g' /etc/php/php.ini
sudo sed -i 's/;extension=pdo_mysql/extension=pdo_mysql/g' /etc/php/php.ini
sudo sed -i 's/;extension=gd/extension=gd/g' /etc/php/php.ini
sudo sed -i 's/;extension=zip/extension=zip/g' /etc/php/php.ini
sudo sed -i 's/;extension=curl/extension=curl/g' /etc/php/php.ini
sudo sed -i 's/;extension=intl/extension=intl/g' /etc/php/php.ini

Save and close the file. Then reload php-fpm process for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl reload php-fpm

the Nextcloud Web Installer

Now in your browser address bar, type

to access the Nextcloud web installer. If you are installing on a local Arch Linux computer, type your private IP address such as You will see the following.


You need to create an administrative account and connect NextCloud service with MariaDB database. Enter the database username, password and database name you created earlier. Once it’s done, your Nextcloud server is ready to rock.


If you are using a remote Arch Linux server, I recommend installing a SSL/TLS certificate before you finish the installation in the web browser to prevent malicious sniffing.

Get A Free SSL Certificate from Let’s Encrypt

This step is necessary on a remote server because you want to make sure your Nextcloud username and password are not sniffed by malicious people. Skip this step if you are setting up Nextcloud on your home computer.

First we need to install the certbot client and Nginx plugin which is available in Arch Linux community repository.

sudo pacman -S certbot certbot-nginx

Then use the Nginx plugin to obtain and install a certificate for Nginx Web server like below.

sudo certbot --nginx --agree-tos --redirect --staple-ocsp --email your-email-address -d

I assume you are using a domain name like to access the ownCloud web interface. You also need to point your domain name to your server IP in DNS before running the above command.

Once the certificate is obtained and installed, reload Nginx.

sudo systemctl reload nginx

Auto-Renew TLS Certificate

It’s advisable to auto-renew Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate. We can achieve that with cron job. First install cronie on Arch Linux.

sudo pacman -S cronie

Start the cron daemon.

sudo systemctl start cronie

Enable auto start at system boot time.

sudo systemctl enable cronie

Then edit the crontab file of root user.

sudo crontab -e

Put the following line into the file which will try to renew your cert once per day.

@daily certbot renew --quiet

Save and close the file.

Configure OPcache to Improve Performance

OPcache can improve performance of PHP applications by caching precompiled bytecode. By default, OPcache isn’t enabled on Arch Linux. To enable it, open the php.ini file.

sudo nano /etc/php/php.ini

Find the following line.


Remove the semicolon so that the OPcache extension (aka module) can be enabled. Save and close the file. Then reload PHP-FPM.

sudo systemctl reload php-fpm

Now you can check enabled modules with the following command.

php -m

Be default, all opcache settings in php.ini file is commented out. For best performance, it’s recommended to use the following settings.


After making these changes. Save and close the file. And reload PHP-FPM

sudo systemctl reload php-fpm

Increase Upload File Size Limit

The default maximum upload file size limit set by Nginx is 1MB. To allow uploading large files to your NextCloud server, edit the Nginx configuration file for NextCloud.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/nextcloud.conf

We have already set the maximum file size in this file, as indicated by

client_max_body_size 512M;

You can change it if you prefer, like 1G.

client_max_body_size 1024M;

Save and close the file. Then reload Nginx for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl reload nginx

PHP also sets a limit of upload file size. The default maximum file size for uploading is 2MB. To increase the upload size limit, edit the PHP configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/php/php.ini

Find the following line:

upload_max_filesize = 2M

Change the value like below:

upload_max_filesize = 1024M

Save and close the file. Then restart PHP-FPM.

sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

Increase PHP Memory Limit

The default PHP memory limit is 128MB. NextCloud recommends 512MB for better performance. To change PHP memory limit, edit the php.ini file.

sudo nano /etc/php/php.ini

Find the following line. (line 404)

memory_limit = 128M

Change the value.

memory_limit = 512M

Save and close the file. Alternatively, you can run the following command to change the value without manually opening the file.

sudo sed -i 's/memory_limit = 128M/memory_limit = 512M/g' /etc/php/php.ini

Then reload PHP-FPM service for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl reload php-fpm

Configure Redis Cache for NextCloud

If you go to your NextCloud settings -> overview page, you might see the following warning:

No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available.

We will enable memory caching for nextCloud by using Redis. Run the following command to install Redis server from Arch Linux repository.

sudo pacman -S redis

You can check the version with:

redis-server -v

Sample output:

Redis server v=5.0.6 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.2.1 bits=64 build=862f233732e771fd

Start Redis.

sudo systemctl start redis

Use the following command to enable auto-start at boot time.

sudo systemctl enable redis

In order to configure Redis as a cache for nextCloud, we need to install the PHP extension for interfacing with Redis.

sudo pacman -S php-redis

Now we need to enable the PHP igbinary and redis extension. Go to the /etc/php/conf.d/ directory, open the igbinary.ini file and remove the semicolon to enable igbinary extension.

Also open the redis.ini file and remove the semicolon to enable redis extension.


Then restart PHP-FPM.

sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

Check if the extension is enabled.

php --ri redis



Redis Support => enabled
Redis Version => 5.0.2
Available serializers => php, json, igbinary
Available compression => lzf

Directive => Local Value => Master Value
redis.arrays.algorithm => no value => no value
redis.arrays.auth => no value => no value
redis.arrays.autorehash => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.connecttimeout => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.distributor => no value => no value
redis.arrays.functions => no value => no value
redis.arrays.hosts => no value => no value
redis.arrays.index => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.lazyconnect => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.names => no value => no value
redis.arrays.pconnect => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.previous => no value => no value
redis.arrays.readtimeout => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.retryinterval => 0 => 0
redis.arrays.consistent => 0 => 0
redis.clusters.cache_slots => 0 => 0
redis.clusters.auth => no value => no value
redis.clusters.persistent => 0 => 0
redis.clusters.read_timeout => 0 => 0
redis.clusters.seeds => no value => no value
redis.clusters.timeout => 0 => 0
redis.pconnect.pooling_enabled => 1 => 1
redis.pconnect.connection_limit => 0 => 0
redis.session.locking_enabled => 0 => 0
redis.session.lock_expire => 0 => 0
redis.session.lock_retries => 10 => 10
redis.session.lock_wait_time => 2000 => 2000

We can see that Redis extension is enabled. Next, edit NextCloud configuration file.

sudo nano /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/config/config.php

Add the following lines above the ); line.

'memcache.distributed' => '\OC\Memcache\Redis',
'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\Redis',
'memcache.locking' => '\OC\Memcache\Redis',
'redis' => array(
     'host' => 'localhost',
     'port' => 6379,

nextcloud arch linux redis memory cache

Save and close the file. Then restart Nginx and PHP-FPM.

sudo systemctl restart nginx php-fpm

Now go to nextCloud admin page again, the warning about memory caching should be gone.

Wrapping Up

Congrats! You have successfully set up NextCloud personal cloud storage on Arch Linux with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7. As always, if you found this post useful, then please subscribe to our free newsletter or follow us on Google+Twitter or like our Facebook page. Thanks for visiting!

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37 Responses to “Install Nextcloud on Arch Linux with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7 in 2019

  • DriftJunkie
    8 years ago

    I’ve got a few questions:
    1.I’ve got my domain setup so: points to the same IP as
    What if I want to have a normal website at and a drive at cloud.domain,com? (Even would be nice)

    2. Do you know how can I get transmission which is accessible through to be accessible as either or

    It’s my first time with a web server 😀

    Also, this installation destroyed my plex web player.
    Trying to access it through localip:32400 or publicip:14885 throws me at the nextcloud page

    • Xiao Guo-An (Admin)
      8 years ago

      An IP can host multiple domains ( or websites), however you need to be careful about what web server you use and the configurations.

      The configurations in this tutorial is suitable when you want a normal website at and a drive at You just need to follow the instructions in this tutorial to setup If you want a normal website, then you need to create another nginx config file under /etc/nginx/conf.d/ for your website.

      I wrote a tutorial about Deluge torrent on Ubuntu 16.04 server before.
      How to Install Latest Deluge BitTorrent Client on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04

      and qbittorrent
      Install qBittorrent on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop and Server

      Although it’s for Ubuntu, you can apply the configurations on Arch Linux because both Arch and Ubuntu use systemd now. I will write a transmission tutorial in the near future.

      • DriftJunkie
        8 years ago

        You are really helpful, your tuts are pretty good and I hope I’m not bothering you too much, but I’ve ran into more issues.

        I wanted to use phpMyAdmin, to fix a few things with my database, but
        -Instaling it
        -Adding a symlink to /usr/share/nginx/html/phpMyAdmin
        -Even adding “ mypublicIP mylocalIP” to server_name in nginx.conf

        Doesn’t let me access it with “mylocalIP/phpMyAdmin” or “mypublicIP/phpMyAdmin” leaving me with error 404

        Though adding proxy_pass for transmission works flawlessly.

        I haven’t done much more outside of your tutorials, so you could maybe help me fix that.

        • Xiao Guo-An (Admin)
          8 years ago

          You need to specify the location of index.php for phpMyAdmin. After creating the symlink, add the following directives in nginx.conf server section

          location /phpMyAdmin/ {
                  root /usr/share/nginx/html/;
                  index index.php;

          Save the file. Then reload nginx for the changes to take effect.

          sudo systemctl reload nginx
        • DriftJunkie
          8 years ago

          Ok. I’m really a noob 😀
          I was trying to access
          while the name of the symlink was called:

          Changing it to phpMyAdmin fixed my issues 😀

  • DriftJunkie
    8 years ago

    Also, there is no “letsencrypt” package, but “cerbot” is.

  • DriftJunkie
    8 years ago

    I’ve got another issue Xiao 😀
    In /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log I can read this:

    {"reqId":"nBJDJCsbkJIvwDu+4Xtu","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"mkdir(): Permission denied at /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/lib/private/Setup.php#289","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T19:59:28+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}
    {"reqId":"CzVdyqoJgar7AIRONP4i","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"mkdir(): Permission denied at /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/lib/private/Setup.php#289","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T20:00:50+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}
    {"reqId":"OqXCLvVt4WO/w4YvaP3P","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"mkdir(): Permission denied at /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/lib/private/Setup.php#289","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T20:01:04+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}
    {"reqId":"8IdT0N0jAT9xDPHZQxTY","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"mkdir(): Permission denied at /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/lib/private/Setup.php#289","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T20:01:09+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}
    {"reqId":"yO3INWeTvz4nQ7h7vh+j","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"mkdir(): Permission denied at /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/lib/private/Setup.php#289","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T20:01:32+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}
    {"reqId":"g0SQp0scLmYRoG2XusOa","remoteAddr":"","app":"mysql.setup","message":"Specific user creation failed: An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user=?' with params ["oc_user"]:nnSQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 SELECT command denied to user 'user'@'localhost' for table 'user'","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T20:05:14+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}
    {"reqId":"g0SQp0scLmYRoG2XusOa","remoteAddr":"","app":"mysql.setup","message":"Database creation failed: An exception occurred while executing 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nextcloud` . * TO 'user'':nnSQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' to database 'nextcloud'","level":3,"time":"2016-10-26T20:05:14+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","user":"--"}

    How can I fix that?

    Pasting again

    grant all privileges on nextcloud.* to nextclouduser@localhost identified by 'your-password';

    into mysql command line editor (inside nextcloud database of course) doesn’t address the issue.

    • Xiao Guo-An (Admin)
      8 years ago

      My nextcloud.log also has these lines. If you can use Nextcloud without issues, I believe these errors can be ignored.

      • DriftJunkie
        8 years ago

        The thing is that I can’t Create users in the web interface configuration.
        I’m almost sure I’ve wrote that somewhere already.

        When I press create in the users settings, nothing happens and my browser returns:
        “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
        Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘message’ of undefined(…)”

        Except from the above post I haven’t found any other info on what could be the cause of it.

        • Xiao Guo-An (Admin)
          8 years ago

          I can create users on my Nextcloud server without issues. You may want to check out the nginx error log /var/log/nginx/error.log which may give you a hint of what’s wrong.

        • DriftJunkie
          8 years ago

          There is no error.log file 🙁 only access.log

          Thank you so much for all your help. I wouldn’t have done it without you.
          My issue was in one of managment/security apps, but I’m not really sure which, because I turned a bunch of them, turned some back on and user creation works just fine.

          I think I’m set now and there will be no more need to bother you 🙂
          I wish you all the best 🙂

  • I follwed the tutorial to the letter and everything was testing good until the very end. when I put my private ip in for the last step I get this message in chrome:

    This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.2.
    You are currently running 7.3.6.

    I am a complete newb to this and have no idea where to start.

    I also followed your tut to set up the database and that went well. If you have any advice I would sure appreciate it.

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      6 years ago

      You probably downloaded Nextcloud 13, which is incompatible with PHP7.3. The latest stable version is Nextcloud 16, which is what you should use.

      Sorry I didn’t update the download command, but I said you should check out the latest version.

      To reinstall Nextcloud,

      1 ) delete the nextcloud folder,

      sudo rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/

      2) Log into MariaDB and delete the nextcloud database.

      mysql -u root -p
      drop database nextcloud;

      3) Download NextCloud 16


      And follow this tutorial again.

      • thank you, Ive removed nextcloud from database and ugraded nextcloud but cant seem to create new datatbase. here is the error:

        $ mysql -u root -p
        mysql: unknown variable ‘log-bin=mysql-bin’
        did I do something wrong?

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      6 years ago

      In /etc/mysql/my.cnf, you need to add the following two lines

      log-bin        = mysql-bin
      binlog_format  = mixed

      below the [mysqld] line. Then restart MariaDB

      sudo systemctl restart mysqld
      • I actually had to remove those lines from etc/msql/my.cnf and then readd them to be able to delete the old database and create the new one. ??? so now I get the next cloud image but with this message:

        No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed.
        PHP module zip not installed.
        Please ask your server administrator to install the module.
        PHP module cURL not installed.
        Please ask your server administrator to install the module.
        PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?
        Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server.

        I really appreciate all your help, thank you

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      6 years ago

      I think you didn’t add these two lines correctly in /etc/msql/my.cnf. They should be added below the [mysqld] line.

      Open /etc/php/php.ini file, find the following 3 lines


      Remove the semicolons to enable the zip and curl extension. Then restart php-fpm.

      sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

      You can also run the following 3 commands to enable mysqli, zip and curl extensions on Arch Linux, so you don’t have to open the file and find the 3 lines.

      sudo sed -i 's/;extension=mysqli/extension=mysqli/g' /etc/php/php.ini
      sudo sed -i 's/;extension=zip/extension=zip/g' /etc/php/php.ini
      sudo sed -i 's/;extension=curl/extension=curl/g' /etc/php/php.ini
      • I think my problem might be the my.cnf file. I dont actually see an [mysqld] line. And not much in there.

        Here is the contents of that file:

        # This group is read both both by the client and the server
        # use it for options that affect everything

        # include all files from the config directory
        !includedir /etc/mysql/my.cnf.d

        log-bin = mysql-bin
        binlog_format = mixed

        • Brian
          6 years ago

          OK I managed to get the nextcloud screen by reinstalling php. dont know why but now Im stuck creating admin user. I created the user, gave it a password and then entered the databasename and password and I get this:

          Error while trying to create admin user: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘outlaw’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      6 years ago

      The mariadb package on Arch Linux just got updated yesterday. Now MariaDB uses /etc/my.cnf and files in /etc/my.cnf.d/ direcctory.

      You need to open the /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf file and add the two lines below [mysqld] line.

  • I got it!! I thought it was wanting me to make a new user for the database. and was trying to login with a user that wasnt created yet,, Thank you so much for your help… this is great!!

  • Hi Xiao and many thanks for your excellent how-to install nextcloud on arch.

    When I “sudo nginx -t”, the following results

    [warn] 627#627: could not build optimal types_hash, you should increase either types_hash_max_size: 1024 or types_hash_bucket_size: 64; ignoring types_hash_bucket_size
    nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

    Is that ok? If not, what should be corrected?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      5 years ago

      Open the Nginx main configuration file.

      sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

      Change the value of types_hash_max_size to a greater number such as 4096.

      types_hash_max_size 4096;

      Save and close the file. Test Nginx configuration again, the warning should be gone.

  • The line

    does not exist.

    I added under http{

    then sudo systemctl reload nginx

    and yes the warning is gone.

    But now another funny thing shows in nginx -t. The following:

    [emerg] 450#450: cannot load certificate "/etc/letsencrypt/live/": BIO_new_file() failed (SSL: error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied:fopen('/etc/letsencrypt/live/','r') error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib)

    cerbot renew
    gives standard output that cert has not expired. And client connects with https flawlessly.
    I am stuck.
    Help please and thanks you for your assistance.

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      5 years ago

      You should use sudo nginx -t. /etc/letsencrypt/live/ directory can only be accessed by root.

  • When I tried to access the Nextcloud web installer, it said lack “php iconv”.
    Then I removed the semicolons of “;extension=iconv” in /etc/php/php.ini and problem solved.

  • Hi Xiao and thanks again for your awesome work.
    Maybe you can help with following 2 questions

    In the file nextcloud.conf what would you suggest as value for add_header Strict-Transport-Security “max_age” ?


    systemctl status nginx gives the following error
    [error] 423#423: *3 access forbidden by rule, client:, server:, request: “GET /data/.ocdata?t=1571209111846 HTTP/1.1”, host: “qqq.qqq.q.qqq”, referrer: “https://qqq.qqq.q.qqq/settings/admin/overview”

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, I followed your instructions to install nextcloud on my localhost but when I tried to load nexcloud by http://mylocalip nothing happens, the connection always times out. I also tried localip/nextcloud where did I go wrong??

  • peter tom
    5 years ago

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 500 Internal Server Error

    where to find the logfile so i can konw what’s wrong with the server

  • jbarrio
    5 years ago

    I followed the steps until open the nextcloud webpage. I’m receiving an error:

    Internal Server Error

    The server was unable to complete your request.

    If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator.

    More details can be found in the server log.

    I was digging and I found information related with the apache configuration `Require all granted` but I cannot find where this apache configuration should be placed.

    Any help will be more than welcome.

    Tank you

    • jbarrio
      5 years ago

      I solved my problem following this thread:

      The main problem is a missconfiguration of php 7.4.0-2. Adding this two lines into /etc/systemd/system/

      CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_SETGID CAP_SETUID CAP_CHOWN

  • Thanks for the guide! How would you update the nextcloud server package using this method?

  • Hi!

    Very good and easy guide to follow!

    I have a problem with permissions trying to add storage in web-gui it will not write to config. I then changed permissions for nginx to write to config but then I can not log in again. I have tried the php-fpm.service override too.


  • buen aporte, pero:

    The server was unable to complete your request. If this happens again, please send the following technical details to the system administrator. You can check more details in the server’s blog. Technical details

    at the time of writing my domain in the search engine

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