Snapd is now in Arch Linux Community Repo

Great news! Installing Snap packages in Arch Linux just got snappier! Because the snapd package and the related snap-confine and squashfs-tools are now in Arch Linux community Repository. To install snapd on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distro like Manjaro, Apricity OS, simply run:

sudo pacman -S snapd

install snapd on arch linux from community repository

The snapd package contains the snapd daemon and the snap client. As you can see from the above screenshot, we’re installing the latest snapd 2.0.10. After it’s installed, start the daemon with:

sudo systemctl start snapd.socket

Then you can install snap packages like below which will install the telegram messenger.

sudo snap install telegram-sergiusens

To see a list of snap packages available for your OS, run:

snap find

Use the following command to enable the snapd daemon to automatically start with the OS.

sudo systemctl enable snapd.socket

To check your version of snapd, run:

snap --version

Previously, you have to use the yaourt package manager to install snapd on Arch from AUR.

What do you think of this change? Can snap packages help reduce the fragmentation of Linux? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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6 Responses to “Snapd is now in Arch Linux Community Repo

  • DriftJunkie
    8 years ago

    I’ve never used snaps. Actually it’s the first time, I’ve heard of it.
    Do you have any use for it on a server machine?

    • Xiao Guo-An (Admin)
      8 years ago

      I once installed the Nextcloud snap app on my Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. It’s really easy and quick compared to traditional install method.

      • DriftJunkie
        8 years ago

        I tried ownCloud and failed miserably, but I haven’t tried your tutorial.
        I need to give my cloud access to a /media/”files” directory.
        Would it be possible with snap?
        What can you say about ownCloud vs nextCloud?

        • Xiao Guo-An (Admin)
          8 years ago

          Snap is totally different when it comes to configuring things. If you want to customization, I recommend staying away from snap.

          nextCloud will be 100% open source, unlike owncloud which has proprietary enterprise-only features. I choose nextCloud.

        • DriftJunkie
          8 years ago

          Are you going to make a guide for nextCloud installation on Arch?
          Most of Arch wikis are very hectic and don’t really explain the whole process that goes into installation and configuration of the service. What you do is way clearer and includes all the necesary steps with great explanation.

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